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Services of the Association - BDKH


What we have to offer

We have put together a ‘construction kit’ of different services for our members to help them optimise their market presence.

Your all-round package

Research + Market Data

As a Member, you will receive from us the latest research findings and market data including, for example, the latest study ‘Branchenfokus: Baby- und Kinderausstattung’ (Sector Focus: Baby and Nursery Products’) from IFH Köln. In our workshops and presentations, speakers from reputable market research companies such as GfK will keep you informed of the latest sector-related data and facts.

Workshops + Presentations

You and your colleagues in your company can acquire additional skills at our one- or two-day workshops and seminars. We are happy to receive suggestions for topics. During the pandemic, you can attend virtually and conveniently from home at the click of a button.

Exclusive Information

As a Member of the Association, you will be kept up to date through regular email circulars and newsletters. The members’ area of this website includes exclusive information covering, for example, retail and sales models, sustainability strategies and legal issues, as well as marketing, market research and new work models.


You will get to meet all the relevant stakeholders in the sector. We are in close contact with retail, with market research companies and trade fair organisers, with media representatives from the trade and consumer press, with consumer organisations, buying associations and of course also with manufacturers outside our own Association.

European Level

Your membership to the BDKH, which represents the industry in the German-speaking countries of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, also includes representation through the European umbrella group, the European Nursery Products Confederation (ENPC), which works at a European level for matters such as common high standards in the industry.

Standards Committees

European standards play a vital role in protecting our children as they provide uniform technical regulations and guidelines on how products should be manufactured. We work through individual members to continuously improve the standards and we report back to you from the committees.

Members’ Meetings

In regular Association events held at locations throughout the country or virtually, you will meet with other members to share experience and discuss the latest market, industry or regulatory developments. At these meetings you can get to know and understand your competitors.

Strong Partner

Present yourself with the Association by your side! Your membership to BDKH entitles you to use the Association logo and the ‘Little Heroes Living Safely’ logo in your company material. This will identify you at a glance to partners, competitors and consumers as a business that is committed to quality and product safety.

Public Relations

In its press releases, print and online publications and on social media, the BDKH places its members, their product innovations and their business activities at the forefront. On this website, each of our companies is presented individually on its own page.

Trend Reports + Position Papers

Your input as a Member contributes to the position statements and papers released by the Association. The annual BDKH Trend Report, too, is based on feedback from members and is presented at the Kind + Jugend trade fair press conference in September. Numerous publications in the specialist press and consumer media bear witness to the extensive interest among the B2B and B2C audiences.

Special Terms

As a BDKH Member you can take advantage of special discounts – for exhibitors at the Babini consumer shows, for example, or for advertisers in certain specialist media. You will also be able to enjoy regular draws for high value service packages. And in addition, we regularly come up with new surprises for our members.

Tailored Fees

Here at the Association, the small are subsidised by the large. As a young business, you can become a Member of BDKH for a preferential annual fee adjusted to your turnover. If you join part way through the year, your membership fee will be reduced accordingly. And if you want to dip your toe in first, you are very welcome to attend one of our workshops or seminars.